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About jackson pre-k-8

At Jackson Pre-K-8 our dedicated administrators, teachers, and staff work to provide students with a well rounded education. Our students work hard every day to demonstrate P.R.I.D.E in their classrooms. This means that students come to school prepared with pencils, devices, and previous homework. They respect the classroom, Jackson Pre-K-8 staff, classmates and belongings. They show integrity by being honest with one another. Students show determination by showing up and wanting to learn. Lastly, students should be engaged in the material they are learning in the classroom and apply the same engagement to homework outside of the classroom. We also offer PBIS (positive behavioral interventions and supports) to students, who can then redeem those points for items in the school store or towards PBIS-hosted events. 

beArcat Spotlight

National School Social Worker Spotlight! Ms. Adrienne Jackson-Nelson - Jackson Pre-K-8
March 2024
National Principal Month Spotlight: Principal Bowman - To read more, please visit Jackson's News Section located above.
October 2023